In principle, everyone can enjoy good sleep - but in some life situations, it needs a little “boost” and some special attention. Special circumstances like alternating work shifts, pregnancy and nursing as well as menopause often require a readjustment to our sleep habits and an extra serving of sleep hygiene so that we can tackle our everyday challenges confidently thanks to a restorative night’s sleep.
Finding a healthy sleep balance is an important part of health care - and not just for shift workers and young parents. Changing life conditions and normal aging processes also require us to take another look at our own sleep hygiene from time to time. Our sleep changes throughout our entire lives, and the length and architecture of our sleep (the sequence of various sleep phases) vary significantly by age. While elementary-school students sleep an average of 10 hours a day, our main sleep phase in old age often only lasts five or six hours. On the other hand, a nap during the day can prove refreshing.
We can do a lot to make sure our sleep stays healthy at every age and in every life situation, and gives us the necessary relaxation. Knowing what happens while we sleep and understanding healthy sleep culture, as our Coach explains, is part of the basic health knowledge that everyone should have.
By the way
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