All about stress

What is stress?

Bild Frau Augen zu We often say things like, “I’m stressed out right now” without really thinking about it - what we usually mean is that we’re busy and don’t have any time. But in fact, stress is something completely different. In general, stress is defined as all the burdens and challenges that can cause a stress response in people.


Chronic stress makes you sick

Bild Mann hält sich die Ohren zuWohldosierter Stress ist nicht The right amount of stress is not harmful to your health. But it does become a problem if there are no relaxation phases built in and your body is constantly in alert mode. When that happens, acute stress becomes chronic.


Causes of stress: What makes us stronger and what makes us weaker

Voller ZebrastreifenWe master new tasks and deal with new challenges every day. It could be anything from laying laminate flooring or training a new colleague to trimming the grass. Our experience and knowledge help us develop routines to meet these demands without stress. Every so often, though, we come across things that are just too much for us, and we get stressed out.


Stress in the work world

Mann mit AktenMore and more work, less and less time, tasks that are too complex - that’s how many employees feel about their day-to-day work. And because of this increasing strain, more and more people are suffering from stress, mental burdens and the resulting illnesses. This was confirmed by the latest stress report from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


Tips from Prof. Dr. Jörg Fengler

Bodily signals are important indicators that something is not right at work or in our personal lives. How can we interpret them correctly and keep from burning out on the job? Our expert, Professor Jörg Fengler, offers ten tips for understanding your body better and protecting yourself from burnout.
